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Dairy Australia

Aligned the Picasso Cows Curriculum Guide to the new Australian Curriculum v 9.0.

Blue Water Summit

Co-chaired sessions during the Summit and designed a curriculum resource for the 2022 pilot.

Australian Parents Council

Finalised a parent’s portal to assist parents engage in career conversations with their children. This is funded by the Australian Government.


George the Farmer

ACCS designed farm safety educational resources for the early years of schooling.

Dairy Australia

ACCS judged Term 4, 2021 Picasso Cows.

Australian Parents Council

Angela contributed to a parent’s portal to assist parents engage in career conversations with their children. This is funded by the Australian Government.

Geoscience Australia

Angela edited and finalised a teacher resource for Australian schools about plate tectonics and linked a suite of year 6-10 student activities to the Australian Curriculum.

Take 3 For the Sea

Coordinated and complied a suite of educational resources to complement the IMAX movie ‘Fur Seals. Life By a Whisker’.

George the Farmer

Designed 4 educational resources about apples, pears, chickpeas, dairy farming, forestry, and sustainable plantation management for the early years of schooling.

Geoscience Australia

ACCS edited an educational resource about plate tectonics.

Australian Science Teachers Association

Designed the 2021 National Science Week resources themed ‘Food: Different By Design’.

Australian Science Teachers Association

Coordinated and complied a range of advertising opportunities and found advertisers for the National Science Week Resource Book.


Angela designed and wrote the Food Education And Training (FEAST) program for secondary schools.

George the Farmer

Created a new diary production resource for schools featuring George on Dairy farms and in the kitchen cooking with dairy foods.


Dairy Australia

Angela judged the Picasso Cows Program.

Parks Australia

Designed and delivered two educational resources about South Australia’s marine parks.


Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE)

Angela mapped the Australian Curriculum’s Sustainability cross-curriculum priority and developed three resources for AAEE.



Angela has designed a series of resources for Woolworths and THINK DIGITAL a VR and AR company.


Food River Station

Angela has re-designed a ‘Food Bowl Connection’ resources and aligned it to the NSW, WA and Victorian curriculum and syllabus.


Regional Leadership Inc.

Angela as part of The Xfactor Collective designed a Learning and Development Framework for ten Victorian Councils.


Marine Parks SA

Angela has developed and designed two resources for schools about South Australia’s Marine Parks.


Jane Goodall Institute Australia

Angela is the Program Manager for the Jane Goodall Roots & Shoots Resource Box for Schools. Angela manages a dynamic team and is responsible for the production, marketing, shipping and distribution of 4000 resource boxes to Australian schools.


Dairy Australia

Angela designed the Picasso Cow Program Curriculum Guide and judges the Picasso Cows Program.


Australian Science Teachers Association

Angela has designed and developed the 2020 National Science Week Resource Book for Schools titled ‘Deep Blue: innovation for the future of our oceans’.


Green Schools

Angela has co-authored a book chapter with Larraine Larri. Title: Moving Green to Mainstream: Schools as models of sustainability for their communities - The Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI).

This chapter traces the development of the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI).  With agreement of State and Territory educational bureaucracies, AuSSI was an Australian Government policy focus in the early 2000s aiming to build systemic change integrating education for sustainability (EfS) through a whole-school approach. AuSSI enabled schools to adopt strategic planning frameworks managing resources (energy consumption, water use, biodiversity management and waste management), and integrating EfS across curricula.


Picture You in Agriculture

Our team designed three new educational programs for the Archibull and Kreative Koalas programs.


Dairy Australia

Our services included designing three new secondary school resources for the website.


Hydro Tasmania

We have designed three educational programs for our client embracing the topics of Wind Power, Pumped Hydro and Hybrid Renewable Technologies.


Australian Science Teachers Association

Our consultancy designed and developed the National Science Week Resource Book of Ideas ‘Destination Moon; more missions, more science’ acknowledging the 50th anniversary of the landing on the Moon and the International Year of the Periodic Table.


Cotton Australia

Our consultancy had designed and developed a Project Based Learning (PBL) resource for secondary schools that enables teachers to implement Technology Mandatory using a cotton fibre and cottonseed oil focus.


Department of Education, Tasmania

We were selected to design and develop three Tourism and Hospitality learning packages for Years 9 and 10 classes, and three Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources learning packages for Years 9-10 classes.


Future Gen Education

We have developed the following resources to support NSW schools implement the new NESA Syllabuses in Science and Technology K-6 and Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 in 2019.


We developed a suite of PBL resources enabling students to use virtual reality to explore and learn about South Australia’s unique temperate marine environments.



ACCS was commissioned to design and develop the FEAST Food Education and Sustainability Training program resources including a unit of inquiry, ten lesson plans and ten optional learning experiences using Project Based Learning (PBL) methodologies.


Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA)

ACCS developed the new National Science Week Resource Book and Poster for the theme ‘Game Changers and Change Makers’.


Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries (EMS)

ACCS was commissioned to run workshops and scope the future school education program for EMS.


Australian Meat Processor Corporation

ACCS primary and secondary school education resources in hardcopy and online formats to introduce young people to the Australian red meat processing industry and the diverse careers within it.

The Project content includes a series of primary and secondary school education resources including a digital interactive, four Project-Based Learning units of inquiry and their assessment rubrics, ten videos, three podcasts, over 50 images and information galleries for each unit of inquiry.


Australian Science Teachers Association

Future Earth Resource Book of Ideas and Student Journals for National Science Week


Dairy Australia

ACCS created the teaching and learning resources for Australian Schools to use during ‘Healthy Bones Week’ and ‘The Healthy Games’ in August 2016.


Australian Pork Limited

APL commissioned ACCS to develop a Home Economics and technologies unit of inquiry for Years 9 and 10 classes.


George the Farmer

ACCS was commissioned to write a new educational resource for the International Year of Pulses.


Organ and Tissue Authority

The OTA engaged ACCS to develop a ‘Communication and Engagement Strategy to promote and build awareness of their new educational resources.


Food River Station

Research artist, Dr Robbie van Hemert commissioned ACCS to create an opportunity for Australian school students to appreciate their connection to the Liverpool Plains and its food bowl.


Australian Egg Corporation Limited

The AECL engaged ACCS to develop two secondary school units of inquiry to raise awareness about egg production.


George the Farmer

Commissioned ACCS to develop an Educator Guide that uses two picture storybooks available in hardcopy or as iPad apps and a range of songs to look at wheat and wool production and how they can be turned into other foods and products we use. It includes: an introduction; interesting facts about wheat and sheep; a unit that uses six inquiry sequences and twelve specific activity pages that involve reading the picture story books, singing songs and completing follow up learning activities. The titles of the books and age groups they are aimed towards are: 'George the Farmer Plants a Wheat Crop' and 'George the Farmer Shears a Sheep' written by Simone Kain and illustrated by Ben Hood and, for ages 3-8.

Dairy Australia

We designed and developed three units of inquiry, three online animated interactives and ten learning sequences about dairy cows and the production of dairy foods for primary schools. These resources aim to fill gaps in dairy Australia’s current resource offering under the Australian Curriculum and their strategic priorities.


Dairy Australia

Commissioned ACCS to redesign the Legendairy Kids Activity Booklet.


Dairy Australia

Commissioned ACCS to develop three inquiry-based units of work and ten learning sequences aligned to the Australian Curriculum for the Discover dairy website.


Australian Pork Limited

Commissioned ACCS to develop a school’s booklet for primary and secondary schools visits to pig farms.


Australian Pork Limited

Commissioned ACCS to develop and trial a year 9 and 10 unit of inquiry about the sustainable and ethical production and marketing of pork products.


Australian Government ‘Agriculture in the Classroom’ Initiative (2014 – 2015)

Commissioned ACCS to write 25 inquiry-based units of work across all areas of the curriculum from Foundation – Year 12.

Commissioned ACCS to coordinate the development of 17 teacher-To-Teacher videos and 17 Producer-To-Teacher Videos.


Junior Landcare Australia and Primary Industries Education Foundation (2014 – 2015)

Commissioned ACCS to develop five ‘How to…Guides’ including ‘How to Build a Worm Farm’; ‘How to Create a Frog Pond’; ‘How to Enhance and Restore Habitats’; ‘How to Create a Food Garden’ and ‘How to Grow Healthy Plants Using a Natural Pesticides’. Additionally, commissioned to work with five Junior Landcare Schools and support them develop five Learning Sequences about these topics that were aligned to the Australian Curriculum.


Dairy Australia (2014 – 2015)

Commissioned ACCS to redesign the ‘Discover Dairy’ website and update and re-develop the Dairy Good for Kids early years activity booklet in line with the Australian national curriculum, the revised Australian Dietary Guidelines and Dairy Australia’s new Legendairy communications platform.


Education Services Australia

Commissioned as a Subject Matter Expert in Geography, Science and Sustainability to map and seek Creative Commons Licensing Agreements to support the identification of ‘Food and Fibre’ educational resources for the Australian Curriculum.


Primary Industries Education Foundation and AgriFood Skills Australia (2013 – 2014)

Angela was commissioned to develop five educational resources for the ‘Food in the Australian Curriculum’ program.


Primary Industries Education Foundation (2013 – 2014)

Angela was commissioned to develop two educational resources for PIEF Members.

Australian Pork Limited (2013 – 2015)

Commissioned ACCS to develop and trial three educational resources for the early childhood sector, primary and secondary schools about pork production.


Education Services Australia and Primary Industries Education Foundation (2013 – 2015)

Contracted by the Primary Industries Education Foundation (PIEF) to conduct a review of educational resources found on their ‘Primezone’ website.

This activity is being undertaken to support Education Services Australia (ESA) identify suitable digital resources that support teachers to teach about food, fibre and agriculture contexts aligned to content descriptions across the Australian Curriculum for use in ‘Scootle’.

Scootle is ESA’s one-stop-shop to finding curriculum resources to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum.


NSW Department of Education and Communities

Commissioned ACCS to evaluate the Thermal Comfort and Sustainability Program Educational Materials pilot in 11 NSW schools.


Education Services Australia

Commissioned as a Subject Matter Expert in Geography, Science and Sustainability to align and develop early childhood, primary and secondary educational resources to the Australian Curriculum.



Commissioned ACCS to develop educational materials to support the 2013 – 14 Archibull Project for Australian Schools.


Primary Industries Education Foundation

Commissioned ACCS to review and evaluate food, fibre and agricultural resources for schools.


AuSAID and Australian Conservation Foundation (2012 – 2013)

The Australian Conservation Foundation commissioned ACCS as a consultant to undertake the development of inquiry based educational resources for teachers in international schools to introduce the concepts of climate change, sustainability and climate adaptation.

NSW Department of Education and Communities

Commissioned ACCS to develop educational materials, to trial and evaluate the implementation of Thermal Comfort, energy efficiency and sustainability resources for primary and secondary schools.


© 2022 Angella Colliver Consulting Services Pty Ltd

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